We empower deal teams to make better decisions, faster.
Prism is a privacy-first deal intelligence platform for private equity, built on the award winning expertise of Palladium Group's Transaction Advisory practice.

Prism is a product of Palladium Digital Group, a trusted partner for
Private Equity firms across the globe.

Why Prism?
Prism safely combines data and AI to automate key activities in the deal process. Using proprietary data and the latest AI, Prism automates research, analysis, and content tasks. Palladium Group experts customise Prism to meet the unique needs of your firm.
Prism combines specialist 3rd party data with your unique organisational knowledge and the latest AI models to help automate key deal process tasks and deliver new insights on prospective assets and existing portoflio companies.
Palladium's award winning Transaction Advisory and Value Creation professional service teams support every Prism customer to create a truly tailored-made solution for their firm.
Prism significantly minimises the burden of manual research and analysis tasks, speeding up the time it takes to gain valuable insights and freeing up resources within overworked deal teams.
Discover Prism
Connect with us today to schedule an engaging demonstration of how Prism can significantly transform and enhance your entire deal process from start to finish.
The Prism process
The Prism Process enhances team collaboration and innovation by valuing diverse perspectives. It fosters open communication and creative problem-solving through structured dialogues, leading to effective strategies and solutions.
Smart assistants
Prism Assistants are thematic AI agents with specialist knowledge and training that helps them excel in specific domains. The Palladium team helps you craft Assistants for each fund, deal or portfolio company, so you always have the right expert AI on hand.
Workflow automation
Prism Tasks automate key deal process workflows such as creating an initial discussion paper from a investment memo or building a competitor set. Each task is expertly customised by the Palladium team to fit the way your firm works.
Specialist data
Data drives decisions. Prism integrates 3rd party specialist APIs with your corporate knowledge to power Prism Assistants and Tasks. Advanced visualisation and analysis capabilities give everyone in a firm a personal data scientist.
Collaborate, Don’t Delegate:
Using AI in Deal Processes
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impacting various industries, and private equity is no exception. Historically, dealmaking has been a human-centric endeavor, but the integration of AI can significantly enhance efficiency and accuracy in the deal process.
Powered by Palladium
Palladium Group is a digital and technology due diligence provider and digital transformation partner to Private Equity firms and their portfolios across the globe.
Palladium's award-winning services have been repeatedly recognised, being named Specialist Advisor of the Year at The Private Equity Award, and Specialist Due Diligence Provider of the Year at The British Private Equity Awards in 2020, as well as being announced as both gold and overall winner at the 2021 International Digital Experience Awards.